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BOS Minutes 05/17/02
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting May 17, 2002

1.  Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of May 6, 2002 will be deferred to the next Board of Selectmen meeting on June 3, 2002.

2.  Communications:
a.  Atty. McGarry – MacCurdy-Salisbury Property Line First Selectman Griswold received a letter from Atty. Tom McGarry who represents the MacCurdy-Salisbury Educational Foundation.  The Foundation is selling the property to the State of Connecticut under a grant.  After a survey, it appears there is a house located on part of the MacCurdy-Salisbury property.  Atty. McGarry is asking whether a land swapping arrangement could be made to enable the homeowner to acquired property from the Foundation.  First Selectman Griswold stated that it is premature at this time to make a decision.  

b.  Voting Machines A letter was received from Machine Service Center, Inc., the company from which the town had previously purchased voting machines.  Registrar Rod White had inquired about the value of the town’s machines if we were to sell them.  They responded they are not worth anything to them and are not interested in buying them back.  The registrars will be attending a meeting in which they will inquire whether any towns would be interested in buying the machines.

3.  Appointments:

4.  Old Business:
a.  Town Woods – Design Proposals
The committee has interviewed three firms out of six that submitted design proposals for the Town Woods Recreational Facility.  They will request two of the firms to talk with the committee more specifically on their proposals in an effort to make a recommendation on one firm.  By the end of next week, it is hoped a decision will be made.  The next steps will be discussion with the Parks & Rec Commission and the Board of Finance.  Once the decision is made, there will be an introduction of the firm to the Senior Center Board and members who wish to attend.  First Selectman Griswold will meet with First Selectman Koch of Lyme to talk about Lyme’s interest in joining Old Lyme in the project.

b.  Landfill Fee Schedule
Nearly all of the landfills in our neighboring towns have closed, and we are aware that our landfill is receiving a large amount of material that does not come from the town.  Our residents generate a large amount of brush and bulky waste that must be chipped by a tub grinder at a cost of about $2,000 a day.  In an effort to offset costs associated with disposal of various items, higher fees are proposed effective July 1, 2002.  Higher fees
will be charged for box springs and mattresses, and carpets over 8’x10’.  Even if a resident has a landfill sticker, there will be fees to bring in brush, leaves, bulky waste and clean fill in a pickup truck, van or larger truck.  A pickup truck full of brush and leaves, the charge will be $15.  A truckload of bulky waste will be $20.  The summer hours of operation from May to October Monday through Friday is 7:30 A.M. to 3:45 P.M. and Saturday is 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  The hours are the same for the winter from October to April except the landfill is closed on Monday.  Selectman Bice made a motion to accept the landfill fee schedule to commence July 1, 2002.   Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

c.  Pedestrian Safety Zone – Beach Areas
First Selectman Griswold is anticipating receiving a document from Atty. Marylin Clarke in regard to the pedestrian safety zone in the beach area.  The police would then be able to issue tickets to people who operate motor vehicles on the beach.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

d.  Town Budget Meeting – Monday, May 20, 2002 Middle School Auditorium
The Town Budget Meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. at the Middle School Auditorium.  The school budget has passed and this meeting will approve or reject the town budget which incorporates the school.  There will be a presentation by the Board of Finance at that meeting.

e.  SNET – DSL Information Received
The Southern New England Telephone Company has informed the Selectman about the potential DSL service in the town.  SNET has produced a set of maps which indicate the DSL territory would include a large portion of the town.  If a certain number of people show interest, SNET may make the service available.  A canvas will be taken of the people residing within the proposed DSL service area.  Adelphia is also interested in supplying service via the cable network.  

f.  National Geographic Magazine – Zip USA
Last year the National Geographic Magazine was in town for a few days in preparation for Old Lyme being in the magazine as their Zip USA Town which should appear in the June, 2002 issue.  

g.  Lyme Academy – Ground Breaking and Pedestrian Crossing Light
Last Friday the Lyme Art Academy had a ground breaking for a new building.  The plan is to put in a parking lot to the rear of the property first which will be available by the end of the summer.  A building will then be constructed toward the front of the property.   They feel a pedestrian crossing light is not necessary since they will use the new parking lot next to the Academy.  A policeman will be assigned for large functions held at the Academy when the parking lot across the street is used.

h.  Ferry Road Dinghy Dock – Ribbon Cutting on July 27, 2002
A dedication ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on July 27, 2002 which is on the Midsummer Festival weekend.  The Harbor Management Commission will preside at the event.

5.  New Business:
a.  Point O’Woods – DEP – Consent Order
The Land Use Area was notified indirectly that the State was signing a consent order to install sewers in the Point O’Woods area.  The WPCA and Zoning were concerned because they had not received direct notification and their input was not requested nor did they see any of the documentation.  A meeting was held by the Zoning Commission, WPCA, the Selectmen and other consultants last week, and it was decided to push to get the signing of a consent order postponed until the town could see the documentation and have input.  There will be a meeting on Thursday, May 23, 2002 at the DEP to discuss this matter.  

b.  Visit to Yankee Rowe Dry Fuel Storage Facility
First Selectman Griswold and other selectmen visited Rowe, Massachusetts to look at a dry fuel storage facility where rods are stored. This was a nuclear plant that is no longer operating.  The concern about a similar dry storage facility at the Connecticut Yankee Plant in Haddam is that it would accept material from other places.   The General Attorney and the Town of Haddam are debating the storage facility for Haddam.  Since we live so near, this is an important issue to us.

c.  Estuary Council of Seniors – Volunteer Recognition Breakfast
Last week there was a volunteer recognition breakfast of the Estuary Council of Seniors for the various people who work on the Meals on Wheels Program at the Lymes Senior Center.  

d.  LOLHS – Mock Crash Event
The Mock Crash Event held at the high school involved the police, fire and ambulance staff, Life Star medical personnel, Superintendent Klein, a mother who lost her 17-year old daughter, and high school students.  Four students played roles of various states of medical distress.  First Selectman Griswold stated that it was an excellent program and felt it would have an impact on the students.  Selectman Sibley stated that coordinator Kate Stevenson did a lot work on this program.  He felt the timing of this event before the prom was important.  This event will probably be every three years.  

e.  LOLHS – Grand Opening of Student Store
A number of high school students work in the lobby of the school in a student store. The students did the work setting up the store and worked with building official.  The project was well done.  Congratulations to the students and Mrs. Joann Headwall, the student advisor.

6.  Public Comment:

7.  Other Business:
Selectman Sibley commented that in regard to Adelphia, it may be wise to consider the ramifications of dealing with them.  He feels uncomfortable with the situation.  First Selectman Griswold responded that the DPUC will be making the decision.  The corporation has problems, but it has been a great resource for the town locally.  

Selectman Bice commented that it might be a good idea if First Selectman Griswold wrote to each of the named organizations approved in the motion on the Hartford Avenue Task Force to remind them to nominate someone.  First Selectman Griswold agreed.

Selectman Sibley raised concerns about children crossing on Lyme Street in front of the new ice cream shop.  First Selectman Griswold stated that the owner contacted the town about putting in a crosswalk.  Trooper Todd and John Roach are looking into the best place to situate it.

Selectman Bice received a call from a Swan Avenue resident complained about a beer delivery truck unloading on Swan Avenue.  The resident suggested that the First Selectman write letters to the vendors.  First Selectman Griswold stated there will be a meeting with the operator of that establishment to set the ground rules for the summer. Problems can be taken care of by the police.  Signage will be needed.

8.  Adjournment:
Selectman Bice made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 P.M.  The motion was seconded by Selectman Sibley.

Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Coffee, Clerk